Personal Performance Coaching

What is Personal Performance Coaching?

New Era Coaching’s personal performance coaching philosophy supports Carl Roger’s belief that people have a self-actualising tendency, an inbuilt appetite for growth and fulfilment. This is interpreted as the existence in each of us of vast potential for self-understanding and personal change. It is our belief that as human beings, we can achieve aspirational outcomes as an inherent part of our satisfaction with life.

The key propositions for our personal performance coaching approach are:

  • Personal change is possible

  • You can achieve almost anything by applying a growth mindset

  • Success and achievement are part of a lifelong journey of growth and learning

  • Satisfaction with Life is fundamental to wellbeing

  • Focus energy wisely to direct your actions and create the future you want.

  • Learn from the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.

  • Work to your signature strengths.

  • Personal experience is the key to learning

Coaching in The Workplace | Listening
Coaching in The Workplace | Sharing Experiences
Personal Performance Coaching

At the heart of our coaching programmes lies The Focused Formula for Success, the achievement of Aspirational Outcomes in the application of:

  • Conscientiousness
  • Positive Relations with Others
  • Motivation (values, beliefs and strengths)

Coaching is about helping you to get from where you are now to where you want to be – much quicker and more effectively than if you are working alone.

Your coach puts you firmly in the driver’s seat, empowering you to take ownership and responsibility for your own remarkable journey. They work independently to support your journey, uninfluenced by your social network of family, friends or work colleagues. Concentrating directly on you and your aspirations.

Carl Rogers is the founder of the humanistic psychology movement and whose research and philosophy runs through the philosophy of life coaching and neuro linguistic programming (NLP)

Promoting Exploration

Coaching is designed to explore your aspirations and challenges using “talking techniques” to uncover the thoughts and beliefs that are blocking you from moving forwards. Encouraging you to use purposeful language and to take positive perspectives in a bid to help you thrive.

Validating Priorities

Coaching encourages you to identify and prioritise what is most important in life to you right now. Assisting you to build a solid foundation from which to launch your own remarkable journey.


Inspiring Action

Coaching is focused on supporting you in reaching your aspirations through taking bold and decisive actions. Coaching provides you with powerful resources to keep you focussed, passionate and accountable.

positive psychology

Our style of coaching revolves around the scientific study of “Positive psychology“. Focussing on strengths, not weaknesses. Looking forward to what will be good rather than trying to fix the past. Creating positive experiences that bolster life satisfaction, well-being and self-esteem while strengthening gratitude, resilience and optimism.