Tiger teams deliver growth projects

Tiger teams are an effective way to tackle complex projects within an organization. 

People Strategy, Dream Team, Team Coaching

Tiger teams are a highly effective way to tackle complex or high-priority projects within an organization. These teams bring together individuals with diverse skill sets and expertise from different departments, allowing them to approach problems from a fresh perspective and identify new solutions. However, to get the most out of tiger teams, it’s important to focus on building high-performance teams and fostering a coaching-based culture.

Effective communication is critical for high-performance teams, and this is especially true for tiger teams. Team members must be able to communicate openly and honestly and work together to solve problems and achieve their goals. Further, establishing an environment of psychological safety, giving space to team members to offer comment openly on areas of discomfort, honestly and without judgment, is essential to objective problem solving. Agreeing and acceptance of clear objectives and expectations are also essential for success, allowing team members to stay focused and aligned on what they are working to achieve.

Onboarding is also critical for tiger team’s success, ensuring that team members understand each other’s preferred communication style and what personal aspirations they wish to achieve as being part of the team. Understanding this personal and unique information about each other ensures that team members can operate with integrity to their own values whilst supporting those of other team members, the team, and the company. Win-win-win. By setting clear expectations and providing support from the outset, organizations can ensure that their tiger teams are set up for success.

In addition to onboarding, a coaching-based culture can be highly beneficial for tiger teams. This approach focuses on providing team members with ongoing feedback and support, with the goal of helping them continually improve their skills and performance through continuous learning. By prioritizing coaching and feedback, tiger teams can continuously improve their processes and outcomes. They can also foster a culture of learning and growth, which can help team members feel more engaged and motivated.

By combining effective onboarding with a coaching-based culture and the principles of high-performance teams, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their tiger teams. These teams can achieve their objectives more quickly and efficiently, while also fostering a culture of learning and growth within the organization. It’s important to recognize, however, that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to tiger teams. Different challenges may require different team compositions and approaches, and organizations should remain flexible and open to new ideas and approaches.

In summary, tiger teams are an effective way to tackle complex projects within an organization. To get the most out of tiger teams, organizations should focus on building high-performance teams and fostering a coaching-based culture. By doing so, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their tiger teams, achieve their objectives more quickly and efficiently, and foster a culture of learning and growth within the organization.